Turns out that’s a pretty big question. However, through conversations with leading brand owners, multiple waves of research with Scottish and English consumers, and no small amount of analysis, here we are – our ‘Scotland the Bravely Effective’ report.
We’ve explored what Scottishness means to modern consumers, how Scotland perceives itself and why, and which elements of Scottishness Scots (and our friends south of the border) find meaningful and distinctive for brands.
Within our report, we tackle the tension points of embracing our Scottish identity including the North/South divide, countering the cringe and those classic McClichés! We’ve even created a new set of Modern Scottish Archetypes.
As for ‘bravely effective’, well that’s what we’re all about. We use original research to give clients the confidence to challenge for brave ideas and braver results.
To request a copy of our new report, fill out the form below or email lhutt@guyco.co.uk.